

Tintwistle is a real family school where everybody is valued, loved, and cared about. The school really lives out its’ vision statement of, being surrounded by encouragement and love. As a Church of England School, you do not have to be a practising Christian to join us; everybody here is treated as individuals, and all are welcome. The teaching of Christian values underpins and strengthens the ethos of our lovely little school and we do follow Jesus’s example to welcome everybody regardless of background, religion, or beliefs. The most important thing we do at Tintwistle is we listen to each other as everybody has something important to say and something important to contribute.

In order to get the very best for all children, we provide an exciting range of activities within the core curriculum and through wider opportunities -of which there are many! This enables us to really find out where the children’s interests lie and we nurture and develop these whether that may be -  through our wide range of sporting events, Choir, exploring and learning life skills in Forest School, Cooking Club, Music, languages, English – there’s something for everybody to help discover and fulfil all our potential.

We are extremely proud at Tintwistle of the magnificent grounds and outdoor space that is a key part of our learning. We have a very large playing field, adventure playground, wildlife area, vegetable garden, Forest School (complete with bug house, pond for pond dipping, greenhouses, mud kitchen and fire pit!) and access to the football pitches which are we are kindly allowed to use with permission from Tintwistle Athletic. With all of this, it is easy to see why children love playtimes and their Forest School sessions.

With such a lot of learning and places to explore, it is easy to see why the children at Tintwistle are committed to looking after the environment and our Eco Council are always keen to promote ways of looking after our school grounds and local area. With such a lot of experiences to enhance their learning, it is easy to see how children who attend our school will grow up to be problem solvers of the future; peacemakers who are keen to make the world a better place.

We are very proud at Tintwistle of our commitment to inclusivity and ensuring that all learner’s needs are met. We work very closely with a wide range of children’s services including the Educational Psychology Team, Behaviour Support, Autism Outreach, Speech and Language & SSSEN Team. We are also very lucky to have such excellent links with our local Family Support Network who work out of the local high school: Glossopdale. They are excellent at working with us to support pastoral needs and are committed to helping families with a diverse range of needs because we all recognise that life can be a little complicated at times and want to be there for you, our families as well.

Of course, our greatest achievement at Tintwistle Primary School is that our children are happy, confident, friendly, and hardworking. We are proud of the fact that they are academically grounded young people with a real love of learning who leave us ready for secondary school to continue their educational journey.

The best way to get to know a school is to visit! Please do book a slot with the School Office so I can show you around our wonderful setting to help you make up your mind about joining our special school family.

Warm regards