April 2024
This half-term our RE question is 'Are all Churches the same?'
In this unit, we will be comparing churches around the world and learning about the origins of the Church in the Bible. We will also explore other world faiths, looking at their places of worship and key practices.
February 2024
Our RE question this half-term is 'Is the cross a symbol of joy or sadness?'
Through this unit, we will be exploring what the Bible tells us about Jesus' sacrifice during Crucifixion and what happened during the Resurrection. We will consider the different emotions that would have been felt at the time, as well as how Christians reflect on this, throughout the Easter period.
January 2024
Our RE question this half term is 'How did/does Jesus change lives?'
We will be reflecting on our own experiences of change before analysing some bible stories such as, 'The Calling of Levi' and 'Zacchaeus'.
Shrove Tuesday
February 2022. We learnt why Christians celebrate Shrove Tuesday.
January 2022. We explored the parable of yeast and what Jesus taught about the Kingdom of God.
December 2021: We named customs during Advent and discussed their symbolism.
Christmas fun at the URC Church
We visited one of our local churches for an afternoon of Christmas fun. We looked at the Christmas story, joined in collective worship and got creative!
We made light up Nativity scenes, we then acted out the Christmas story using our stables and puppets.
We harvested fruit and vegetables from our school garden. Then, we made a harvest meal for the whole school to share.