The Governing Body
The Governing Body is made up of a mixture of volunteers including parents, staff and church representatives. We meet as a whole team three times a year and more regularly in our committees - Personnel, Finance and Premises and Pupils and Learning. Our main aims are to:
- Raise standards so that we deliver the best possible quality of education to your child
- Help shape the school's focus and direction
- Offer constructive challenge and support to the Headteacher and staff
Governor Business Interests
All governors are required to sign a register of business interests annually. They are also asked to declare any business interests at full governing body meetings.
No governors have any registered business interests, pecuniary interest declaration forms are attached below.
Mr Scott Lees is the retired Headteacher of Wildbank Primary in Tameside.
Governor Relationships with Staff
All governors are required to declare any relationships between themselves and members of staff, e.g. spouse, parent, partner.
Mrs Bott, our teacher governor, is the wife of our caretaker.
List of Governors, Categories and Terms of Office
Please see the attached page below setting out which committees the governors are on and their terms of office.