
Welcome to Class 5

Welcome to Oak Class
Here is some information you might find useful...


Every child at Tintwistle School is expected to complete homework. As your child will be in Oak Class (Class 5), it is their responsibility to hand it in on time. If they fail to do so, they will have to complete it during ‘homework reward time’.


English: This will be given out on a Thursday and is due back the following Thursday. The homework will be a list of spellings which the children will need to learn, and occasionally, a grammar activity.



All children in Oak Class will be expected to read from a fiction chapter book at least 3 times a week after school; whether this is with a parent or independently. A reading diary will be sent home for the children to use which will be checked daily. They can also read non-fiction texts, comics, magazines etc for pleasure and can record this in their reading diaries.



To be working at the expected standard in writing at the end of Year 6, children must know how to spell and use all of the Year 3/4 words and most of the Year 5/6 Words.  If they are not learnt, your child will unfortunately not go to secondary school meeting the National expectations. Children will be tested on these in September and any gaps will be sent home to learn.


Maths: Homework will be given out on a Thursday as well and will be due back the following Thursday. This will be an activity which your child can complete independently based on what we have been learning in school.


Times Tables:

The Government have recently introduced an online times tables test that children must pass with 100%. Now more than ever it is vital that children to know them all.  If there are any times tables your child does not know at this stage – please could they use the holidays to learn them. In year 5 and 6, tables are used in many elements of maths. If they do not know them, they may struggle to keep up.




PE will be taught every week so please make sure that their PE kits are in school the first day back. PE kits can be left in school for the entire half-term. We will sometimes be doing PE outside so please make sure that they have outdoor trousers and a jumper. Our indoor school P.E kit is a white t-shirt and black shorts with pumps or trainers.

Your child will also be going swimming this year on a Thursday morning. Please make sure that they bring their swimwear (one piece for the girls and shorts above the knee for the boys) a towel and hair tied back. Please ensure earrings are removed and no spray deodorants are used in the changing rooms.



As your child is now in Oak Class, they will be setting an example for the whole school. It is important that they;


  •                    Arrive to school on time.
  •                    Are more independent in all things that they do.
  •                    Wear the correct school uniform.
  •                    Do not wear jewellery and have long hair tied up.
  •                    Take responsibility for their homework and bring it in on time.  


If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to come and talk to any of us before or after school or ask Sue in the office to book you an appointment.

Please take the opportunity to look at Class 5's curriculum overview and topic web. They will give you an insight into what they will be covering this year.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to call one of us before or after school or ask Sue in the office to book you an appointment.

Mrs Vitti & Mrs Pickering