
December 2021

Household Support Fund

Derbyshire County Council has been awarded funds from the DWP to help support families and households who are facing financial hardship to pay for food, energy and essential living costs over the winter. The fund is known as the Household Support Fund (HSF).

 In addition part of the fund will be used to send £50 food vouchers to families of children eligible for benefit related free school meals in January 2022. (£50 per eligible child).

 You can find the relevant public information here: www.derbyshire.gov.uk/householdsupportfund

The Holiday Food and Activity Programme

The Holiday Food and Activity Programme will also be running during the Christmas holidays providing FREE seasonal fun activities and a meal for children who receive benefit related free school meals.


Details about the activities and how families can book places will soon be available on the It’s about me website.